Tuesday, March 20, 2012

GIF Reactions to Real-Life Situations

When someone steps on the back of your shoe
When you see your ex after the breakup
When you’re in the back seat and the front windows are down
When people don’t warn you before taking your picture
When your phone rings while you’re trying to take a nap
When people smoke near you
When your girlfriend calls to tell you her problems
When you feel people staring at you

When you have to sneeze, but it won’t come out
When you were at a pet shop as a kid
When you are at a pet shop today
When you ask for a bite of food and your friend says, “Actually, you can have the rest.”
When you’re at a restaurant and you see your food coming
When you confess something bad you did to your parents
When you were young and heard someone curse

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Y'Know the Flying Dragons in Avatar? Tiny Real-Life Version Photographed in Indonesia

Can't Wait Until They Find the Full-Sized Species...

Reddit.com user by the name of Biophilia_curiosus posted a few photos that he took in Indonesia. They show an amazing species of gliding lizard which basically looks like a miniature dragon. Fans of the film Avatar will be reminded of the flying Toruks... More photos below.

Biophilia_curiosus wrote: "The crazy part is that those lines you see running through the wings like veins are actually its ribs! Evolution did a number on these guys. They can expand and contract their chests at will to glide great distances. We were only able to catch females as they were laying their eggs. All we could do is watch as the males soared overhead."

The photos were taken in Buton, Indonesia, in the Lambusango Forest reserve. As far as I can tell, nobody has identified the exact species of this lizard.